Friday, March 12, 2010

College, Candles, Cookies, & Catnaps

Do you ever smell something or see something and it immediately takes you back somewhere?

Well if you are in Florida you might have had a similar experience. It has been rainy for the past 2 days. If you know me you know I LOVE LOVE rainy days. I think the main reason I love rainy days is because of college. I had the best four years of college that I think anyone could have had. I was so blessed for a great family and great parents who completely allowed me to enjoy college to the fullest. I was able to join a sorority and live an unbelievable four years!

So why you ask Rain makes me think of College, candles, cookies and Catnaps?

Well it really makes me think of my senior year in Pink Lovey :) With these girls! (I know its a weird picture to post, considering how many millions of pictures I have of us three.) But the reason I picked this picture is because it was one of the last days in Pink Lovey and all three of us sat on Single Bed Peeps bed and just laughed! i miss these two girls like crazy and when it rains I immediately want to go back.

It was kind of a ritual. As soon as it rained, no matter where I was I immediately headed back to the sorority house. It rained usually right around lunch time, So i would grab an obscene amount of cookies from downstairs and head up to Pink Lovey where I would usually find Beth Lighting candles with a movie in hand! Then not too far behind would walk in Hope. We would sometimes open the windows, then pop in a movie and lay in bed to take cat naps and watch movies. It was some of my absolute favorite favorite days in school. It was so relaxing and fun with my roomies its hard to continue to work ANYTIME it rains. So I guess I can blame my laziness when it rains to my beautiful roommates. (side note: Funny I still call them my roommates but I guess they will forever be my peeps roommates). I love the rain and my college years. Today its raining and very nasty which makes me smile and want to curl up with my peeps and light candles. You should try it sometimes, it will make you a VERY VERY happy person. Enjoy a Pink Lovey rainy day!

Let me know...What do you think of when it rains?? I would love to hear :) If it makes you want to work out, clean or work really hard maybe you shouldn't comment because then I will feel really lazy. JK!

P.S. Tyler is done today at 945 AM with midterms! I am so so proud of him! He has been awake for 48 hours! Crazy!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I seem to forget all the times I was so dang lazy. ;) But I would never trade the college, candles, cookies, and cat naps for the world. Those were the simple days. How I loved them.

    It's raining (well - POURING) here today too. I'm at work wishing I was in Pink Lovey. Thank you for bringing back sweet memories and making my rainy day a little brighter. Love you.


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