Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Precious Life..

I have been thinking quite a bit lately about how precious and amazing life is. I went to visit my Grandmother (Mama Carol) this past weekend who has become very sick. My Mama Carol was a very strict, strong, independent women who did everything for everyone around her. She never asked for any one's help and was a very strong women.
This weekend I walked into a room where my strong grandmother sat in a wheelchair being fed by a nurse in my Aunt's house. She did not recognize me or anyone other than her precious precious Husband. (My Grandfather.) It was probably the toughest weekend I have had to deal with in my life. My grandfather is watching the love of his life slowly weaken and its heart breaking. My Aunt looked at me while I was tearing up while my Grandpa tucked my grandma into her bed and said you are learning a lot about true love.
Life is so precious and fragile and it is so tough to hear stories about lovely people who are battling illness and old age.
The only thing I can do is appreciate every single second of my life. Let my loved ones know how important they are to me and help others who are in need.
It just so happened that I received a call from the Children's Hospital while I was visiting my grandmother asking if I could come in and hang out with young girls who have been diagnosed with Cancer on Wednesday. I of course said Yes, and hung up the phone. I felt at that moment it was a task from god :) It is something I can do to try and brighten these girls days. My Sister and I will spend Wednesday together playing with our friends at Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital :)

So this Thanksgiving Week, I want to give thanks to all of my beautiful family and friends and wish everyone health and happiness.
Hug your loved ones tight this week! Hugs to you all and I leave you with some photos of my loves :)

1 comment:

  1. My precious Kara,
    You light up my life. Your love for others is so evident in this post. Happy Thanksgiving to you, sweet friend, I am so blessed by your friendship. Love you dearly!


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